Saturday 19 September 2009

17/9 Claire - Octopus

Originally uploaded by blenkers
So one day I wake up with the mother of all hangovers, a dip in the pool helps temporarily (I think that’s a distraction technique, you can’t feel sick if you jump in really cold water) but it takes a while to really come around.

It’s a little overcast so we drive up to Sami about an hour away from Skala, it’s a beautiful drive and Sami has a great harbour. The beach is quite ropey but lots of nice restaurants over looking the sailing boats in the harbour make it a pretty little town.

By 6pm I’m starving, in an outdoor restaurant I’ve decided I would like to try the octopus cooked in vinegar. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had octopus before in a stew and it was nice… I like food with a hint of vinegar…. Jackie’s squid the other day had what looked like baby octopus in and they were delicious.

Imagine my surprise when my main course was delivered looking like this. Just this. No accompaniment. Just this. On a hangover day.

So once you get over the MASSIVE suckery bits on the tentacles on the fist piece (and believe me I didn’t really get over it, but I put on a brave face) the second piece was it’s head and the third piece, apologies to anyone this might offend but no other words can describe the horror, looked remarkably like a boiled penis.

One bite triggered my gag reflex so badly that I had to slap my hands around my mouth whilst my eyes popped out on storks in Jackie’s direction.

Throughout the meal the conversation seemed to be between Mog and Jackie and only a few glances in my direction, in fact I am sure that Mog was answering Jackie when I’d asked a question. He explains “If I even look at you I’ll hurl” (nice) which much later was backed up with “to be fair you have to take that comment in context”. When offered a little to try, as we had been sharing meals since the beginning of the holiday, Mog’s response was “I’m all good for c***, thank you…”

Jackie’s right, I mean “who the **** eats purple food?!!”

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