Tuesday 18 August 2009

15/8 Ian – Renault Fuego

This is one for Dad, Rob and Jamie F, as I’m not sure anyone else will get this. But look – a real life Renault Fuego, right there, outside our Queenstown motel. How cool is that?! Dad had one of these when we lived in Aldershot in the early 80s I think. I seem to remember he loved it, despite its 20mpg consumption. It was well nippy. And I loved it too, because Dad did! Ours was metallic gold – well bling. You never see them anymore because I think they all rotted and rusted to death. At least one still going strong in NZ though. Nice.


  1. Sweet Ride Mr E, Your Dad must have Rocked in the 80's with one of these puppies.

    I'm really liking the retro vibe


  2. Niiiiiiiiiiice.

  3. Ian is right it was a cool car!. But he's got the colour wrong. It was a gorgeous metallic silver, lovely to drive, but drank petrol for fun. Should have kept it longer but probably would have rusted away.

    Ian's Dad.
