Sunday 15 November 2009

14/11 Claire - A party… in a house… a house party… it could be messy ;o)

Originally uploaded by blenkers
As you start to grow up you begin to think that some events are a thing of your youth and a house party is one of them. I mean, we do have people around to our house, and we visit others, but usually this involves a select few (we can only fit so many around the table), a meal and perhaps only later reduces to the drunken debauchery usually associated with a party. I must say I was dancing on my kitchen table at my last “dinner party” but I digress.

So a house warming party, with a large number of people all drinking, dancing and playing a horn (I’ll come back to that later), was very reminisant of house parties of old.. except we are all much older ableit not necessarily wiser.

Owen’s made a great job of decorating his new house, it’s all glistening white and shiney wooden floors. Personally I’d have partied whilst there was still brown/orange 70’s carpet down… just in case. He was the perfect host by supplying copious bottles of wine, party nibbles and a gazebo in the back garden for the smokers.

It started off all sedate (no one turns up on time for a party) and polite (meeting Owen’s new girl) but quickly descended into dancing, shouting, loud music and a musical instrument that sounded like an air horn being played repeatedly by numerous people at about 1am. Fortunately, his neighbour on one side had been to the party early and had since gone to Sunderland after a, the boys seemed to think, booty call. The neighhour on the other side was on night shift, her partner had been invited but didn’t show. If he was pissed off at the noise it was perhaps better than joining us to hear it first hand.

To be fair the bit of the party that was post Metaxa brandy (Jamie, it’s lovely but lethal, I know, I know… I’m sorry) is a blur… I have a vague recolection of Rob and I getting into Owen’s inactive fireplace in an arty fashion, read into that what you will. I have no recollection of telling the “legendary Ben Oakes” that until that evening I thought he was the boys imaginary friend since I have known them all for years yet this one friend I had never met… and, if I am honest, I still think he was a hired actor!

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