Saturday 11 July 2009

Evil-sushi is born....

Ok, so I thought maybe there should be at least one post on here before anyone comes looking. So it's Saturday morning and I've been awake since 5am. Just like yesterday. And no doubt tomorrow. This always happens before big, exciting events - I am like a kid at Christmas.

Still, at least I get some time to finally hit this blog, which incidentally is called evil-sushi not because sushi is evil per se, nor because I'm not up for trying new things. I will however draw the line at narezushi - sushi that has been fermented in barrels for six months (clearly evil) and anything still capable of cognitive capacity on my plate (ethically challenging). Call me a culturally inflexible traditionalist, but there you go. And we can blame a certain recent BBC documentary on fish culture in Japan for that little outburst.

Claz and I are heading down to London on the train tomorrow evening to stay overnight somewhere near Heathrow, ready to fly to Tokyo at around 2pm Monday. A twelve hour flight to somewhere eight hours ahead. So our bodies are going to be thinking 2am when it's 10am in probably the busiest, hottest, most unintelligible, culturally different place we have ever encountered. We don't do things by half, do we? Oh lord.

Flight socks, ear plugs and sleeping pills at the ready. Onward...!

1 comment:

  1. Have an amazing time dudes! We'll be looking forward to your blog updates.

    Han and Gareth x
