Wednesday 22 July 2009

22/7 Ian - Cartoon time....

Oh dear. I'm in trouble with the missus again, because I'm not following the strict (although unwritten) blog code of conduct. This is a video of a video we saw at the Sake museum in Kotohira, a few days ago. So it's out of order, but I wanted to put it up as it shows (I say shows - I actually haven't got a clue, but let's just go with this and use our imagination) a ninja bear (I think it's more of a marmot but Claz says it's a bear) and this wise old man with a very red nose (clearly from far too much sake) extolling it's virtues. Shortly before this there was a classic video of a sake advert from the 1970s shown, with extreme close ups and ninja action shots and stuff, but I was so excited I couldn't turn the camera on in time. So sake promotional cartoon it is. Enjoy (and sorry for all the brackets on this one).